Andy Character Pubg Free
Pubg Mobile has launched it’s most awaited pubg character the Andy. Andy is a male character in Pubg Mobile and the masters of using gun skills. Andy Character is not free to use, it costs 1200 UC. But if you have character voucher cards then you will get discount & the Andy Character for Free.
Let’s find out how to Get Andy for Free.
Who is Andy?
Andy is a male character in Pubg Mobile. It’s a story of our new gaming character Andy, the best puppeteer with nimble fingers and a beautiful voice. But he was attached. Now he can’t perform anymore because his voice has been destroyed. Nowadays, he plays with more dangerous toys!
Andy is now looking for his revenge. He is becoming a master at gun skills and he is now ready to get into the BattleGround to fight his enemies.
How to Get Andy Character for Free
Well, you have 2 different methods to Unlock Andy in Pubg Mobile. Collect the character vouchers from event section and get the Andy for free in PUBG. And Second, collect the 60 UC character voucher from Andy’s event section so you will get exclusive discount to buy it.
60 UC Character Voucher
- First of all open the pubg mobile app & login to your account.
- Click on Andy Puppet Show even section.
- Now you’ll see 3 rewards to collect.
- Tap on Rewatch button & see the puppet video about Andy.
- One Reward is unlocked everyday during the event period.
- Finally, tap collect button to claim voucher of 60 UC.
Free Character Voucher to Unlock Andy
PUBG mobile always launches new event section for short-term. You can collect free character vouchers during event period. All you have to complete some gameplays in battleground, open event section to collect your rewards. Then you can exchange your rewards with 30 UC character voucher.
- Log into the game to claim your free character vouchers.
- Tab on event section.
- Check the event which is give you Character voucher.
- Complete the missions to collect your rewards.
- Finally you can exchange your rewards with character voucher.
How to Unlock Carlo Character for Free in Pubg Mobile – Simple Trick
Is Andy Character Free?
No, pubg mobile has priced at 1200 uc to buy andy. You get a discount of 60 UC from official pubg mobile to buy it.
Can I Get Andy for Free?
Yes of course, you can get free character vouchers with the help of event section which you can use to buy new character. You will need vouchers of the entire 1200 uc, which you can collect comfortably.